
Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Bukit Bintang – The Main Attraction of Kuala Lumpur

Bukit Bintang is the main street you have to list when planning to visit Kuala Lumpur. Bukit means hill and Bintang means Star. Why they name the place like that? I am not sure I know the background. However, this street is the center of the incredible hotels in Kuala Lumpur like, Royal Bintang Hotel, Federal Hotels, Capitol Hotel Bintang and many more. If you are thinking about staying a while Bukit Bintang, I with no doubt will say that you will get top service of amenities.
I am really sure that you will not regret to visit Bukit Bintang for your vacation time. Moreover, you probably feel that you do not have enough time to visit all of 30,000 sophisticated shops in that area. If you are confused to start with which shop you want to pay a visit, I have some recommendations that you can consider. Bukit Bintang has several popular malls like Low Yat Plaza, Lot 10, Sun Gai Won.

After the whole day time you spend for shopping, you probably want to spoil your stomach with some unique Malaysian deli foods. There are many great restaurants in Bukit Bintang, but what I love is Bangkok Jam in Low Yat Plaza. If you are looking for cheaper budget resto, you can visit number of street side bars and cafes where you can enjoy the whole Malaysian foods and drink some coffee or beers.

Don’t be afraid to wrongly choose the spot for your vacation in Bukit Bintang. Bukit Bintang has it all, and I am sure with the quality of products they offer to the visitors.

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